The NHMW hosts the world's oldest meteorite collection and the world's largest meteorite exhibition. Among the 1,100 meteorite specimens on display is the Knyahinya meteorite (weight ~300 kg), which for several decades was the largest known stony meteorite. The exhibition features large iron meteorites (up to 900 kg for the largest one), two fossil meteorite specimens, meteorites from Mars and from the Moon, as well as four Apollo specimens (i.e., the world's largest of such an exhibition of Apollo specimens outside the USA), the beautifully oriented Cabin Creek meteorite, the Hraschina meteorite (the funding specimen of the Vienna meteorite collection), a unique planet machine (or orrery) from 1753, and many other fascinating specimens.
Ludovic Ferrière will guide you to some (historic and current) highlights and shed light on the newest investigations on meteorites and impact craters.